Storytime is one of our most popular events. Children ages 3+ attend Storytime in TERC of Milne Library on campus. At this event, they hear many read aloud stories, do crafts, and play educational games based on a theme designated by date. Occasionally, GODA (Geneseo Organization for Deaf Awareness) helps out at Storytime by signing songs. They are held about once a month and allow students to interact and get experience with children.

Pen Pals The club gets the opportunity to write back and forth with an elementary school student from a local school. Students get a specfic Pen Pal each semester. The things the Pen Pals write are so adorable and students develop their writing.

There are many different programs for Project WILD, which include: K-12, Aquatic, Science and Civics, Proyecto, Growing Up, and WILD About Elk Taking Action. Each of these are an opportunity for professional development, and are open to anyone in the club. They are three-hour sessions where you get to explore and interact with material from the text used in the program. The textbook that goes with the program includes many activities and resources that helps teachers in the classroom.

A couple times throughout the semester, YCC members make visits down to Rochester's Maplewood Library to read books to the children (ages 3 to 15) that go there after school. Some of these children are learning English as a second language. They are always very excited to have us read to them. This is a great opportunity to have one-on-one reading time with children. Also, we have students bring in books to donate to the library.

Rochester Children's Book Festival is an event where authors and volunteers join together to bring the love of reading to children of all ages. Our club had the priveledge of helping the Rochester Children's Book Festival in preparing for their event.

Ronald McDonald House is an event where students volunteer to cook a main dish for the families at Ronald McDonald House in Rochester. The families are very appreciative and you even get a tour of the house. It is a very rewarding experience to be able to help out the families in hard times.